Thursday, April 14, 2011

Surprise, surprise. Bop Bop has a vag.

Aaaaaahhhh yes, performance art. Probably more comfortable than randomly howling like a wolf while running around two rooms while velcro-ing and un-velcro-ing body parts to another's body parts while eating carrots and drinking chardonnay.

Places I'd try to squeeze my way into for a stint as a serial sleepover performance artist :

Floating Ukranian Castle
Up-Up-Up-Inspired Floating House

Fluffed As All Hell Tiny Cottage

Boomer throwback treehouse

Stairway to Heaven Minus Robert Plant('s Aphrodisia Audio Awesomeness
(Don't care that there's no walls or ceiling or bed . . . I'll still sleep here.)

Green Thumbed of a Utopia
(Still don't care, still sleep.)

More after my dreamy elation subsides. Ten years old, public library, Architectural Digest.


Ziggy DooWop said...

Tough Call. I am going to have to go with the Tree House though. A good night sleep no doubt.

Bop Bop said...

That's the one that ignited the post!