Aaaaaahhhh yes, performance art. Probably more comfortable than randomly howling like a wolf while running around two rooms while velcro-ing and un-velcro-ing body parts to another's body parts while eating carrots and drinking chardonnay.
Places I'd try to squeeze my way into for a stint as a serial sleepover performance artist :
Floating Ukranian Castle

Up-Up-Up-Inspired Floating House

Fluffed As All Hell Tiny Cottage

Boomer throwback treehouse

Stairway to Heaven Minus Robert Plant('s Aphrodisia Audio Awesomeness)

Green Thumbed of a Utopia

More after my dreamy elation subsides. Ten years old, public library, Architectural Digest.
Tough Call. I am going to have to go with the Tree House though. A good night sleep no doubt.
That's the one that ignited the post!
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